Wednesday, September 17, 2008


What are some of the problems that the students face as they become more dependent on the Homework Machine for help?


peyton said...

Some of the problems that they had were the home work machine because everybody found out about the homework machine and nobody thought it was fair.

Alexandra said...
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Alexandra said...

the problem was the homework machine because it made people find out,.

Allison said...

The problems because of the homework machine was that they had to keep a secret and every one found out about the homework machine.

MIYA said...

Some of the problems are not learning enough, getting bad grades on test and worrying about people finding out.

Austin said...

The main problem was the kids were failng their tests because the machine was doing all the work so they would still get bad grades.They also had to keep lying to there parents and teacher.

Kayla said...

The probiem was that people did find out about the homework machine and nobbody thought it was fair.

Lindsay said...
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Lindsay said...

The very big problem is that they had to keep a secret about the homework machine. Since everyone found out about the homework machine it was not fair.

Erica said...

One example of their problems was Judy was not good at lying. Also Sam was not learning his schoolwork. Kelsey lost some of her friends because of her secret.

Kara said...

The proble for the homework machine is that it made a person find out about the homework machine.

Kara said...

The probles they face is people flowing them spying on them. And people are like why are you hanging out with that jerk.

Patrick said...

Some of the problems the students faced as they became more dependent on the Homework machine for help was that the started getting bad grades on tests, and it was not fair to anybody.

Jarryd said...
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Jarryd said...

The homework machine made there lives harder because when everybody reads the school newspaper they’ll now about the homework machine. everybody also thinks it is unfair because they spend hours on homework and snik and his friends only push a button to do homework. they also get bad grades on tests because they Don’t do homework.

olivia said...

mJudy and Kelsey have two best friends that they never get to talk to so, Judy's friend Jessica got mad got they never got to do their homework or anything together. So, they are not friends anymore. Kelsey's friend invited her to her house to listen to a brand new CD but she couldn't because she had to go Brenton's house for the homework machine.