Sunday, September 7, 2008

Chapter 1- Characters

You were introduced to 4 characters in chapter 1, who have very different personalities.

  • Which character is most like you? Why? Use specific sentences and page numbers from the story to explain.

This blog that earns an "A" grade will have the following:

  • Correct spelling
  • Correct grammar
  • A character description
  • Page numbers and sentences explaining your thoughts


Allison said...

The character that I am most like is Judy. I am most like Judy becuase she gets A's acording to page 51 just like me. And she is a Afircan Amarican and I am cindove Eopean,African,Amarican.

peyton said...
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peyton said...
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MIYA said...

I am somewhat like Judy because when it comes to caring, I care about everything like her on page 15.I
am not gifted like Judy but I like to learn(page5).I like homework just like Judy because it helps us learn more (page21).

peyton said...

In the book The Homework Machine the character I'm most like is Kelsey. I'm most like Kelsey because she said she doesn't like homework.(found on page 16)

Patrick said...

The chapter I am most like me is Sam Dawkins because the first day of school I was a little nerveous like Sam and I don't want anyone looking at me on page 8.

Austin said...

The character that is most like me is Sam Dawkins because we both were the new kids in school.(page8) Also we both need time to rest our brains after school by chilling out and watching tv.(page 17)

Lindsay said...
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Lindsay said...

The character that is most like me is Judy because I like homework and school and Judy does too. The sentence that describes her is "Okay, I admit it. I like homework." Pg.21. I have almost straight A's and she does too. Pg.5. The difference is she is in fifth grade and she is African American. Pg. 6.

Alexandra said...

I am most like judy. I am like judy because she likes homework and so do I.(21)

olivia said...

In the book homework machine I am most like Kelsey beause I do not like homework and she does not like it either.(pg.16)

Emily said...

The character I would choose is Kelsey, because she has most of the same personality as me. She can be a little stubborn like me Pg4. But the one thing we do not have in common and that she does not care about homework like I do. Pg.16 That is why I chose her.

Emily said...

The character I would choose is Kelsey, because she has most of the same personality as me. She can be a little stubborn like me Pg4. But the one thing we do not have in common and that she does not care about homework like I do. Pg.16 That is why I chose her.

Erica said...

The character that I am most like is Judy because she said that she will never break the law (page 5). I am like judy because I will also never break the law.

Bobby said...

I am most like sam beacouse he dosent care who dosent belive him but he speaks the truth. I don't care if you beleve me, thats the truth. Pg 3

kyle said...

judy is most like me because i am nice and honest sometimes. also because she looks like she cares what she says and what she does. all that is on page 28 paragraph 4.

Kayla said...

In the book the homework machine I am like Judy. The reasons that I believe I am like Judy are she likes homework and school ( page 21), she is not going to be dishonst (page 5), she also does not sneak (page 15), and she trys hard (page 16). She also does not make fun of others (page 16). Those are the reasons I believe that I am like Judy.

Ms. Pluto's Class said...

I'm just like all
of the characters except for Sam. I share a little of them all in me. Judy is smart like me and I almost make straight A's.(page 5). TORI said...Brenton is weird and this is true because I think what Brenton said on (page 11) that (If everybody was cool, everybody would be the same. Nobody would be cooler that everyone else. There would be nobody to make fun of. So I suppose I serve a purpose, in a weird way.) Kelsey is like me because homework suck an I have to do it (page 16).

Ms. Pluto's Class said...

KAYLA said...In the book the homework machine I am like Judy. The reasons that I believe I am like Judy are she likes homework and school ( page 21), she is not going to be dishonst (page 5), she also does not sneak (page 15), and she trys hard (page 16). She also does not make fun of others (page 16). Those are the reasons I believe that I am like Judy.

Jarryd said...

I am most like bradon because I don't like making speechs or company of other people